
Historie hledání

TRW brzdové platničky Ean: 3322936404002

  • kód výrobcu: GDB400 , 21463 ,
  • objednávací kód: 00161-GDB400
  • Názov: TRW brzdové platničky
  • Ean: 3322936404002
  • Ke stažení :
  • ZĽAVNENÉ -0 % z ceny na predajni: 30.0  
  • dodanie dnes: dnes s príplatkom 8Ks (43.1   )
  • 30.0 25.0

Tento produkt sa nedá vrátiť

Brake Pads

TRW Aftermarket

Life is all about putting in great performances whatever you’re doing. With the help of TRW brake pads you can deliver great performances for your customer. TRW Aftermarket brake pads are the best in the business, offering high quality, reliable performance that you can trust whenever you need it. We’re the market-leading specialists when it comes to braking systems, so take advantage of our experience.  We’ll make sure you’re offering the best service, and that your customers’ vehicle safety systems perform to their best on the road every time.


Improved brake pad performance with COTEC

Our developers have come up with a way for you to get the very best from front or rear brake pad replacement. It’s called COTEC.

This advanced silicate coating is applied to the friction material of replacement brake pads, resulting in an improved contact between the brake disc and pad.

TRW COTEC brake pads can stop vehicles up to seven metres quicker than other premium brake pads during the first few stops following a pad change (known as the bedding-in period). This innovative technology means that we out-perform all major competitors during the bedding-in period of the pad, when the friction co-efficient is lower than usual.

Because it improves safety from the moment the driver leaves the garage, we’ve made the decision to coat most of our brake pads with COTEC. Over 90% of the brake pads that TRW sells in Europe, have already been COTEC coated.


Obmedzenie výrobcu: TRW
Hrúbka [mm]: 18,0 mm
Kontrolná značka: E1 90R 01024/113
żírka [mm]: 99,6 mm
Výżka [mm]: 64,8 mm
Počet ukazovateľov opotrebenia (na nápravu): 2 na nápravu
Výstrażný kontakt opotrebenia: vratane kontaktu opotrebenia
Doplnkový tovar/ Dopňujúca informácia: s prislusenstvom
Dĺżka výstrażného kontaktu [mm]: 215 mm
Doplnkový tovar/ Dopňujúca informácia 2: so skrutkami brzdoveho strmena

